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Policies & Handbooks

College Policies

All Nations Christian College Policies and Procedures, a summary of which can be found here.

Forms for making a complaint or appeal or a request for a review of a decision can be found at the end of the Complaints Policy and the Appeals Policy.

When you come to study on an undergraduate or postgraduate programme...

...whether it is OU validated or non-validated, the following academic regulations form part of your Student Contract with the College and apply to all of your studies. The regulations are found in the documents linked below:

Student Contract

Student Contract for the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programmes.

College Handbooks

Undergraduate Handbook 2023-24 contains all the Undergraduate course information.

Postgraduate Handbook 2023-24 contains all the Postgraduate course information.

Campus Access Student Handbook 2023-24 contains all the information regarding Student Life on Campus.

Remote Access Student Handbook 2023-24 contains all the information regarding Flexible Distributed Learning.

Open University Regulations

All of the College regulations are based on those of the Open University. The following documents set out the Open University regulations in more detail.

OU Student Guide: The aim of this guide is to introduce you to The Open University (OU) and explain what being registered on a programme validated by the OU means to you.

OU Handbook for Validated Awards

All Nations Regulations for Validated Awards of The Open University

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